Press release

Bearing fruit!

Processing crops with NOLL’s DemiNo®.

Corn, sunflowers, rapeseed and sesame. Pea fibers, turnip shred and rice husk… Our impact whirl mill is always hungry and gets the best out of every vegetable material!

From the first test series at our NOLL technical lab and the development of special procedures, up to industrial production on custom-designed processing systems: NOLL is the place to turn to when it comes to optimizing vegetable materials in the fine particle range.
We help develop tomorrow’s products and product characteristics. Whether your objective is to process plants as food or feed – or for use in completely different fields, where plant stuffs or cellulose are increasingly needed today.

Our exclusive impact whirl mill gets the best out of every plant fiber. The processing of vegetable materials is just one example of DemiNo®’s excellence and special skills. Specially for processing foodstuffs, we have developed an innovative rotor made of solid stainless steel in exclusive, patented design. Whether coffee, salt, sugar or even abrasive and extremely hard materials up to Mohs 7, such as roots and spices – that’s all child’s play for NOLL technology.
A proven, multi-patented series system, uniquely configured to your application and target product: with DemiNo® there’s a brilliant engineering solution for every plant that grows!